Miguel Calejo's home page


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I'm the managing partner / director of Declarativa, an european information systems development company; managing partner and CIO at RentingPoint, the first portuguese rental marketplace; and a partner at BookMARC, a bibliographic systems developer. I also founded Servisoft, a portuguese distributor for Mac/Windows products, which I left in 2008. 

I'm also an (Invited) Associate Professor at University of Minho's Information Systems Dept, where I teach the Programming Paradigms and Web Programming courses, and a member of New University of Lisbon's AI Research Center, CENTRIA

The geek dimension

I love squeezing extra functionality out of existing declarative models, to make their use more productive for practitioners - naturally starting with my own development teams. For over a decade I've explored this concept with others in the realm of the development of interactive user interfaces wrapping "back-end" applications, designed themselves around substantial declarative data structures.  The three last iterations are Declarativa's Web Application Maker system (web interfaces for SQL database applications, now supporting about 30 custom web information systems in use in several companies and organizations), XSB Inc.'s XJ system (Java Swing GUIs for Prolog systems, supporting several knowledge management tools in use at the USA's DoD), and RegionDoc, a workflow/document management platform..

Selected publications:

Web Application Maker: DRY web app development with SQL (with Mário Araújo). Lulu (self) Publishing, ISBN 978-1-105-06262-9

Intelligent Document Routing as a First Step towards Workflow Automation: A Case Study Implemented in SQL. With Carlos Soares. In T. Margaria and B. Steven (Eds.): ISoLA 2010, Part I, LNCS 6415, pp. 276–284, Springer-Verlag.

InterProlog: towards a declarative embedding of logic programming in Java,
in Procs. Logics in Artificial Intelligence, 9th European Conference, José Júlio Alferes and João Leite (eds.), Springer 2004, ISBN 3-540-23242-7

Web Application Maker: a model-based approach to web database development
with Mário Araújo, Sónia Mota Araújo, and Nuno Soares,
in Procs. 4rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, http://www.iceis.org, Ciudad Real 2002. More information in the WAM page.

Java+Prolog: A land of opportunities,
in Procs. The First International Conference on The Practical Application of Constraint Technologies and Logic Programming, ISBN 1 902426 01 0, London 1999

A Framework for Prolog Debugging
with Luís Moniz Pereira,
in “Logic Programming - Proceedings of the 5th  International Conference and Symposium”, Kowalsky and Bowen (eds), MIT Press, ISBN 0-262-61056-6, Seattle 1988. See my PhD thesis.

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Relevant past:

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Comments to mc@declarativa.com