Declarativa Declarativa


This site was deprecated in late 2013. It is provided for archival purposes only.
Declarativa development and support have miggrated to

The Company

"Your browser understands the APPLET> tag but isn't running the applet, for some reason." Declarativa

Declarativa's primary mission is to provide advanced consultancy and custom software development services, focusing on the internet as the development and deployment platform. As a project side effect Declarativa also develops reusable tools.


Limited partnership created on May 30, 2000; capital 5 000 euros, managing partner Miguel Calejo.


The Declarativa internal and external staff has ample development experience... from TI-59 mnemonics to UCSD Pascal to HyperCard to NeXTStep to natural language - based web database application generators; items worth mentioning today include various SQL dialects, Java, XSB and other Prologs and JavaScript (server and browser). Like some others, we've been daily using AJAX inside our own Web Application Maker since 2000, just didn't know it.

    Other than working their derrieres to improve this page, or just boosting their own egos as right now, staff members are believed to hold the record for The Matrix viewings by the same person, appreciate the illuminated nerd de-constructions by Mr. Stephenson, regularly have to wear several of the hats pictured by Mr. Adams, and are mostly reasonable individuals balancing meme and gene diffusion efforts. Who also felt much better after reading the nerd-glorifying Hackers and Painters; prospective customers please read it too!

Declarativa is currently being (re)incubated at UPTEC, the technological park of the largest portuguese university.

Business references

Please ask us more details or personal contacts for these customer projects:

Long Island's hottest software startup, and the largest logistics agency in the world Java GUI for logic programs; web DB front-end; workgroup timecard system
One of Portugal's top 50 computer product distributors Custom-made web-based IS, distributed site catalogs, web store etc.
Portugal's top AI research center Contract programming, classes (European Master in Computational Logic)
Largest wine region in europe Consulting, extranet applications
Portuguese Economy Ministry IT Planning Study, repository application
Northern Portugal's regional development agency New integrated information system for document management, process workflow and more
The portuguese node in the European Environment Agency Consulting, thematic Google appliance-based search engine, national environmental legislation database management and diffusion system
Portugal's only rental portal Platform conception, development and operation


 Declarativa - Serviços de Informática, Lda.,  fax: +351-22-030-1511  tel: +351-22-030-1580
UPTEC - Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia da Universidade do Porto (GoogleMap)
Rua Actor Ferreira da Silva 100 4200-298 Porto Portugal