Standard top level window, interacting with the back-end
Prolog stdio streams.
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GUI based on Java Foundation Classes (Swing) | You may want to check out the Swing gallery to see what's possible on the Java platform. | |
Bidirectional conversion between virtually any Serializable Java object and a Prolog term | Based on a bidirectional
Definite Clause Grammar implementing Java's Object Serialization Stream
A mechanism for generating Prolog templates+access variables, from object examples (prototypes) provided by the Java programmer | Writing in Java: | ... allows the Prolog programmer to use either of the following fact clauses (only some bindings shown): |
new ObjectExamplePair( new Integer(1), new Integer(2) ) Any serializable object prototype can be given to the PrologEngine class, which encapsulates all access to Prolog |
ipObjectTemplate('java.lang.Integer',Template,ANames,Vars,[1]) or ipObjectSpec(Name,Template,Vars,examples-[[1],[2]]/ANames) Allows object construction from templates |
Prolog goals launched from Java | boolean deterministicGoal(String G, String RVars, Object[] bindings), and more | |
Any Java message sent from Prolog to any Java object | javaMessage(Target,Result,Exception,MessageName,ArgList,NewArgList) sweeter varieties available, for example javaMessage(Target,'MessageName'(ArgList)) |
Term outline/textual displayer, written in Java and Prolog; includes functionality of standard Prolog write, and takes into account a particular set of op declarations | browseTerm(1+2*3/4-A): |
Table displayer | browseLiteralInstances(parceiro(nome,cidade),[parceiro(servisoft,porto),...]):
A term list browser. Double-clicking invokes a term browser for the selected item. |
browseList(List)![]() |
A Sudoku puzzle editor and solver, GUI in Java and reasoning in Prolog |
Declarativa - Serviços de Informática, Lda. |